Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Keith lied!

Keith sent us an email this morning telling us that our final marks are being held up by BCIT's student records and will not be released until 2 weeks after this Friday (he mentioned something about the other technologies ending classes this week and having their finals next week so the marks will be released the week after)......but HE LIED!!!! XD

Thanks to Chris and his trusty information it was actually already out today (despite me having checked this afternoon and it not being there =P)........but yah, nothing much to say about it......my average did drop, as expected.....but i do not know how they calculate it, because when i did it myself by hand I got a lower number than what they posted up.....but hey, i'm not going to complain about that XD.......but my marks actually fell pretty much into my expectations....microbi was my highest, plants was my lowest (tho i must say i was slightly disappointed by it.....i was hoping to have done better than what i apparently did on the final......).....the only real surprise was chem =P.....i did much better than i thought i would have =P

and in other news the BC Liberals did pretty well too =P......kinda relieved they got a third term (can't imagine what our economy would be like if the NDP came to power.....=__=").......and i'm also glad the whole STV thing didnt pass XD.........they were talking about it on the news and all i keep hearing was STD, STD, STD XD.........but yah, it's such a confusing system.....and it'll render the government so ineffective...........

so yes, a pretty good day overall =P

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