Wednesday, May 6, 2009

BUMPITS and day 3

yes, you heard me, BUMPITS! might be wondering, where on earth would you find the bumpit....i mean, the only thing you've really ever heard of was an armpit and maybe a peach pit, where does a bumpit go?......apparently it goes in your's a little plasticy thingy that you can put inside your hair and wrap hair around to make it all big and full......thus bump-it...........honestly, i think it's some sort of practical joke.....but someone must have a lot of money to spend to put a commercial for such a thing on prime time TV (either that or someone was just seriously stupid when coming up with the name)

Just in case you are stupid, they tell you bumpits are not edible

(btw, i was so tempted to put Figure 1. and then start doing the whole sentence description and the citation thing, but i suppose this isnt COMM XD)

but well, things have definitely started to pick up for day 3. Quite honestly if you get me to list out everything I've done for the day it really wasnt much.....we found contamination in the plates and so we redid them, and found contamination again (we are thinking it may either be from the media or from the incubator.....we didnt get time today so we'll have to do that tmr.....i really hope the contamination is not from the bottle.....coz that would suck.....).....and that was bascially it, made some antibiotics (it was very very interesting trying to shove 1.5g of gentamicin into an eppendorf tube and then dissolving it in 1mL of water.......there was just sooo much solid it wouldnt even fit into the tube)......and we also went to the bee farm to try to collect some eggs........and yah, that was interesting.....coz i'm actually rather afraid of bees but it turned out ok......and i also got my keys =P

i can now access the lab without having to wait for the doors to be open, and i can also head into MSL with the electronic fob and the you're-allowed-to-be-here piece of fabric (or well, i suppose it is to put the set of keys around your neck, but i always like to pocket my keys so i dont really find them useful)

but well, i'm actually surprised at the pace of it all......i was actually very used to the whole finish-everything-quickly mentality, so performing acrobatic stunts to save the prodcuts from dripping into the water bath in a chem lab was all part of the plan.......but i suppose real science is a bit more delicate than that, and it's ok to take your time and test things out and just generally slow down to do things well.......but i dunno, i'm starting to have second thoughts on the whole Ph.D. idea......maybe i'll do something that hinges less on being completely anal about asceptic techniques.....(yes, it is rather disheartening to have to be stalled by contaminated media that starts growing things when you didnt even seed anything to begin with)

anyways, in other news, my teeth see to be doing fairly well......i was actually abel to sustain a small period of normal chewing today during dinner........but then the left side of my jaw is starting to i dunno if that's just from overworking, from the nerves healing, or from an infection......i guess we'll have to wait and find out


  1. I see followers but not the follow button that should be there. =S
    Hahah, that's quite random, where in the world did you stumble upon Bumpits? XD

  2. Ah, nevermind, I see the button if I use IE.
