Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 2

so.....how goes the second day, you ask?.....well, definitely more eventful than the first =P.....the morning was spent doing something relatively simple....aliquotting media, then plating them into 6-wells for a pH and sterility test tmr. After that came some checking out books from the library ("Insect Physiology and Biochemistry".....wonderful, i know....), and the afternoon was spent reading and researching and more article reading and more researching (it was ridiculous how difficult it was to find the pH of honeybee hemolymph.....basically honeybee blood....)

we were also going to thaw some fetal bovine serum (FBS, should sound disgustingly familiar to any biotechers reading this XD).....but then we took them out to late and so it didnt thaw in time for me to aliquot before heading home, so we put it back in the freezer until tmr........and after that checked the trypan blue (another awfully familiar term) to make sure there are no strange floaties (another concept we are very familiar with) with the hemocytometer (this word is almost obscene XD)

I did see Billy tho =P......i now know which lab he works in coz I saw him through the window as I passed by Michael Smith Labs (MSL)........speaking of which, the keys to the NCE building as well as the lab is ready for me to pick up, and i should also go get the little electronic key-tab thing to the MSL.......also for tmr we'll be reviving some previously cryopreserved cells and do a viability count (i can hear Joan say the exact same words.....)

but anyways, on a happier note, i was reunited with my trusty umbrella today =P......it was waiting to greet me at the elevator doors =P (it must have missed me very much =P)......and also in terms of my anti-starvation experiment, I was silly enough to buy a pink coloured powerade today instead of a juice. Although I think powerade serves a better function than juice, the choice of flavour was quite horrible.......I should have known better......I thought pink would be an innocent colour for strawberry lemonade, but as it turns out it's a very cleverly disguised antibiotic flavour (why, oh why did i not notice that the contents were of the same colour)......all that's missing are grainy medicine chunks.........but in terms of lunch I managed to scale up to a large soup (cream of mushroom today =P)......so i was not as light-headed coming home as i was yesterday.......

and the best part yet?!! I managed to pseudo-chew for dinner!!!! =P had little bits of of cut-up chicken and BBQ pork with my rice in steamed eggs!!!.....so proud......tho hopefully i was not too ambitious, coz afterwards my mom took a look into my mouth and apparently there's a "hole" where my teeth used to be........>__<"......that completely grossed me out......


  1. T_T Your descriptions of your wisdom teeth aftermath are too vivid. I feel your pain!

  2. Thanks for painting a picture for me. *shivers*

  3. oh and good job on the chewing!

  4. Medicine-tasting powerade? Powerade's quite watery so that's got to be a very bad choice of flavour XD

    And I don't see the follow button at all. @_x
