Monday, May 18, 2009

Full-blown Summer (or not) and the Shampoo Problem

Yesterday was definitely a day reminiscent of full-blown summer, although that thought was quickly drenched today.

The fact that we were all sweating in our choir robes, plus the lunchtime quest with the Sunny school kids to Shell for a slurpee, along with the dinner gathering at the Tsui's (despite it being a hotpot dinner and not barbecue), and the post-dinner adventure to the playground for grounders definitely signals the advent of another round of summer =P.....But I must say, eight months of isolation from the playground has definitely taken its toll on this rusty body of mine. I'm no longer tha agile self with it comes to outmanouvering the kids (or i suppose some of them has secretly crept up the age ladder and became teens over the years)......

Amongst the many trophies of the night I have stumbled across many a sore muscle, a banged up knee, and a completely scraped forearm. The muscle pains were inherited from months of disuse (honestly, how often would i find myself climbing up bars and hanging off of railings in the sterile lab environment). The banged up knee came while attempting to leap up while completely forgetting about the wooden ledges that were suppose to facillitate that increase in elevation, resulting in me completely smashing my knee against on of the corners. The scraped arm was definitely the most seredipitous discovery of all. One moment it was fine and then it was stinging the next, and so upon inspection I found enough blood for Tammy to use it to draw a smiley face on my other arm......but the funniest part was how the parents made a big deal out of really was just a scrape (although admittedly it was somewhat unsightly), but they were all fussing about how i should be putting a bandaid over it (despite it being way too big for conventional bandaids) yes, i had to spend some time reassuring them that it was OK. There is definitely a cause for concern if it was knife wound that size, because i would have fainted already, but the fact that i was alive and well and very good-natured about it means that, despite its somewhat disturbing size, it was nothing serious (and i think the fact that I'm not dead now becuase of it means I was right =P)

But today was a lot duller than yesterday. I think I've come to the conclusion that one day of bumming around at home not doing anything is enough to drive me crazy.......I woke up at 10 (tho technically i woke up at 830. Without an alarm too, it's sad....), and by 5 i was bored out of my mind.......

However, there was one thing that completely stumped me today. It was the Shampoo Problem, one which i think is worthy to be included in the chronicles of Sherlock Holmes. But the story starts out that our household was out of shampoo, and so I was dispatched to search for an appropriate replacement. I started at the mysterious aisle of hair products at the local London Drugs, and as I scanned through the labels I realized I was faced with quite the challenge. There was shampoo with conditioner. There was shampoo for coloured hair, as was there for dandruff, and dry and damaged hair, and for increasing hair volume, and for hair fortification.......There seems to be shampoo for absolutely every possibly convuluted condition EXCEPT normal regular generic everyday shampoo!!!!!! Honestly!!! I might having more luck looking for shampoo for warm weather, shampoo for washing your car, and shampoo for cutting in the grocery line!!!


  1. a bloody smiley face... always a bright side to all situations eh? =)

  2. I must say that right or wrong wouldn't matter if you had underestimated the wound and had died. XD
    Ah... I haven't been on the playground and received such injuries in such a long while... (goes through fond but painful memories...)

    There's a "regular hair" label for garnier frutis when I bought it. I do remember looking long and hard to find it though (it was all the way at the other end of the cosmetics section far from all the other shampoos XD)
