Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Of Guitar Chords and Hebrew Alphabets

Today was definitely a day I would rather not repeat......I basically worked non-stop from 8:30 to 5, with a very rushed 15-minute lunch break at around 2:30......tho it was by all means just a typical farm day, where we head over to the UBC farm to pluck another doomed frame from the bee colonies and ransack it of all available eggs. Those unfortunate eggs are now crushed and basking in cell culture media at 32C. We all know full well that the eggs are now enjoying their final moments before they all succumb to inevitable death under my hands. Sigh......the path to immortality is indeed treacherous........

But back at home, I've had the luxury of time to sit and fiddle with my guitar for the second time, and I must say, I was surprised I remembered all the chords I learnt on Sunday =P...A.... E.... G.... D.... Em...... F#m......and I've also added C#m and G#m under my belt today.....tho i must say, the sharp minors don't sound very nice, and now my fingertips are sore XD

and i think it is now time to admit that my musical talents are much greater than my language ones......I'm been wrestling with Hebrew and all I've got down is probably just a handful of is rather shameful that I can't even remember the first 10, considering the fact that I now have an actual Hebrew bible on my shelf and I'm really no closer to understanding it than before I started trying to learn looks just as foreign, if not more now that I have had a closer look.......

Next on the list of things to learn? French, Greek, and I have to take up piano again if I'm still going to buy my $90,000 Steinway technique has actually gotten disgustingly rusty....=__="


  1. Tu errr... "want" errr.... umm... "to learn" francais? Je umm... "took" francais 12!

    But even though I took French 12, it doesn't look like any of it stayed in my head... >.>

    and F#m? ["ef-number-em"]? XD

  2. i am seriously just waiting for you to take over the world. no jokes. HAHA. although in grade 8 I learned from my ..planning?(i dont even remember the name of that class anymore..) teacher that ambition is the worst thing a person can have.

    his lengthy reasoning behind it was.. nevermind, i forgot.
