Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On Death Row.......

Had the first overtime lab of the term today.........and we were promised man, many more to come.........definitely not very thrilled......

The term started (coming to think of it, only last week) with us concluding we'd be hating Fridays. Monday rolls around and we decided that we really won't be liking Mondays very much either. Once Tuesday came along, we decided, you know what, screw this, we're going to be hating the entire term. And the thinking was reinforced today during biochem lab. As we were taking time out of our biochem lab to do parts of our genetics lab, Rob comes in to tell us we have our process lab handouts's just going to be one, unending nightmare of labs.....

There has definitely been a significant shift in thinking for the labs. Whereas last term was "hurry up and finish and burst out the door", this term definitely has a tone of resignation to it........."if we are going to be trapped in here until we rot, might as well take our sweet time". Where half an hour on top of a 2-hour lab is a lot, one hour more to a 7-hour lab doesn't sound very unpleasant anymore

Last term it took until April to get us collectively to the suicide mood, this term, mass suicide has already been brought up one week in..........twice actually, if you count a discussion about Lemmings........


  1. Oh wow. To get you talking *metaphorically I hope* about suicide, your course load must be killer. Is it mandatory of you guys to do SEVEN lecture courses? UBC won't even let me do that! I thought about doing 6 this semester but I realized during final exam time I seriously might jump off Knight St Bridge to avoid failure.

    Good luck to you man, let the dark circles under our eyes forever remind us the kind of Hell university can be.

  2. ><*

    (my degree sounds like a joke compared to yours)
