Sunday, September 13, 2009

50 years.....and counting?

Seeing as Vince blogged about the Killarney Park 50th Anniversary, I shall do so too (or well, at least that's what I think he wrote about XD......I will admit that I was slightly confused =P)

Just a little background info, Killarney Park is the congregation that shares our building, or more correctly speaking, we share theirs. Walking into church this morning I was surprised to see all the decorations up, with board after board of old photos from the ages past.......and i just remembered I was in a state of did it come to this? does a congregation of way over 200, which once had hundreds in their Sunday school, multiple services on Sunday morning just coz people couldn't did a congregation like that dwindle to a mere 20 people after 50 years?

But even more importantly, what will happen at our own 50th anniversary next year. True we might be doing better number-wise, but are we truly any better? I can't help but think it's time our congregation had a mid-life crisis.....not in the sense that we should buy ourselves a Porsche or some plot of land up in the interior.....but it's time someone pointed out how dangerously similar we are to the church of Laodicea we are - lukewarm (Revelations 3:14-22).....I just can't shake this feeling, that, as a congregation, everything is half-hearted at best......that's why I was always adamant about our 50th Anniversary....I just don't see a point......true, it would be a great cause for celebration for whoever had a hand in founding this congregation, but what about for the ones in this congregation now? That we have been great a sitting on our hands and warming the pews? Wake up, people!

It has been a while since I've heard a good sermon, but the one for the KPLC 50th year was definitely a refreshingly good one (not spectacular, but very decent)......and one line, one line just stuck......and despite this line was being directed to the church, it just repeated itself over and over again in my head......'s not about being famous, it's about being faithful.....

and i just can't help but I truly want to run the risk that, at my own 50th anniversary, I'm going to look back at my life and regret how I've spent it?

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