Friday, November 27, 2009

And the old man wanted a story.....

As we were lounging around the hall, banging our heads on every possible locker praying that we would be released from Rob's egg-crushing grip, Keith walks out of the office, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Not letting the opportunity slide, we quickly bombarded him with questions about our up-coming plants report. What exactly does he want?

"A story," says the old man. "A story from beginning to end."

So I saw a need to rethink how my spruce report should go. Obviously the traditional lab report, with introduction, methods, results, and discussion, just simply was not much of a narrative. I am now contemplating writing a novel, with the spruce embryo as the protagonist. The story will detail the different struggles the spruce seed matures, from the abandonment of childhood innocence, to the trauma of teenage angst, to the development of adult sophistication. What a drama it will be!


It was 8:30am on a Thursday morning. Connie rubbed her eyes as she tried to recall the past few days of her existance. It was all a blur. She faintly recalled coming to consciousness surrounded by other embryo seeds, only to be ruthlessly submerged into some foul liquid reeking of chlorine.

She looked around. Her fellow spruce seeds were still laying unconscious in the confines of a microfuge tube. What shall happen to me, she wonders. Afterall, Connie has never been a spruce seed before, and have no idea what to expect.

Suddenly, a bright light shone on her and she felt herself lifted gently into the light. All of sudden she was surrounded by figures too large to fully perceive, yet the outside world was such a blur!


OK......i should stop.......A proper lab report awaits to be written........If for some reason an extra six hours budded off each day of this week then I shall complete this narrative and attach it as an appendix for Keith.........In the meantime, back to spruce somatic embryogenesis.....embryo suspensor mass initiation and

1 comment:

  1. ...
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    . . . . . . .
    Stephen, it's useless to try to make a lab report more artistic... =_="
