Saturday, May 29, 2010

Forgotten....and Update!!

Oh wow.......haven't posted anything up in's almost like I've forgotten how to write anything of significant length other than lab reports.......

But I guess life is rolling along as it always does now that summer has started (supposedly, not too sure with the constant rain though...)....but I guess a little update of what's been happening in the last little while never hurts.

- BCIT wrapped up without too much of the unexpected, still feel very much guilty all the slacking off being done now that school's out......maybe I'm having stress withdrawls......

- Co-op at the BC Cancer Research Centre....thoughts on that is definitely worth its own post (but my own email, web page, and photo ID and card key is quite neat =P)

- Finished watching Digimon season 2!!! ^__^ Oh the memories those bring back =P

- Got a new phone, but the touch screen is less sensitive that the one on the iTouch, so it's definitely going to take some getting used to...

- Convocation coming up in June (the DipT will officially mark the end of two very unforgettable years)

- Publication in Insect Molecular Biology coming out soon (maybe in the August issue?)

- Have to start looking for a microbi PI for my honours thesis......

- A Part-time MDiv alongside a PhD is being considered.....but definitely have to ask Regent for more info first.....I wonder if they'd let me start part time before I get my BSc......afterall, I am only doing two courses during my final UBC term......

- Read through some fairly thought-provoking articles on some scientific magazines lately reagrding the life of a researcher...verdict? If it ever boils down to an either-or between ministry or science, the science career goes, wihout a doubt!!